Ever since millennials allegedly slew the dinner napkin, it seems like more and more of the things we have become accustomed to are going extinct. Yahoo Answers kicked the bucket not too long ago, and if you follow the news, you could get the impression that fiat currencies, or even planet Earth itself, could be next. For as long as your law firm has had a website, you have been hearing that content is king, but long-reigning monarchs are the exception to the rule. As Google’s algorithms get smarter, web content gets dumber, and natural language processing bots become more proficient in sophistry, search engine optimization (SEO) professionals have been saying that SEO is going the way of the dodo, but does this mean that you should no longer invest resources in making your law firm’s website rank first on Google search results, or is it just the usual gloom and doom that everyone has been saying these days? The safest bet for now is to continue updating the legal blog content on your website frequently.
Beyond Search Engines
Get a grip, doomsayers. It isn’t so much that SEO is going extinct, it is just that search engines no longer have a monopoly on how customers engage with businesses online. 15 years ago, everyone who needed to make a business transaction of any sort searched Google, but now Google is just one of many vehicles for finding needed products or services. Besides search engines, there are ecommerce apps like GrubHub for food delivery Amazon for virtually everything, plus an array of social media platforms from Facebook to Tik Tok.
When it comes to searching for law firms, people rely on Google more than they do when they want to buy cardigan sweaters or chicken wings. It can’t hurt to diversify your content marketing strategy, though. You should continue to monitor your site’s SEO performance and regularly update it with new content, but it is also a good idea to maintain a social media account or two.
Your Competitors Still Care About Ranking on Google, Even If You Don’t
Even if you have decided that Google searches are so last decade, the other law firms in your city have not. Remember that the goal of content marketing is to attract the business of the greatest possible share of your target audience, not the whole Internet. There are only so many couples in Naperville who get divorced each year, and only so many lawyers who can represent them. You want to make sure that those clients contact you and not your competitors. At least some of those prospective clients, especially the older ones, will be searching for lawyers on Google. If you need motivation to optimize your website, think of all the clients your competitors will not be getting if you do.
Keeping Up Your Strong SEO Position in Uncertain Times
The professional legal content writers at Law Blog Writers can help you keep your law firm’s blog updated with custom-written posts while also branching out into other aspects of content marketing strategy.