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Three Content Marketing Rookie Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

They say that content is king, but the borders of its kingdom are not exactly secure. If your law firm website has a blog and you regularly update it with grammatically correct content that stays on topics related to your law firm’s practice areas and tells audiences something they do not already know, then you are already off to a good start. If you are creating content for multiple marketing channels, such as email newsletters, podcasts, or YouTube, you are doing even better. Even the creators of well-written content are vulnerable to mistakes that can sabotage your law firm’s content marketing strategy. These are some mistakes that small law firms often make regarding their legal blog content and how and where they publish it.

Trying to Be All Things to All People

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, email newsletters, podcasts, and blogs all have different audiences, so you should not post the same content verbatim on all of those marketing channels. Many companies go too far in trying to too hard to pander to the audience of the channel they are advertising on, or at least what they think that audience wants to see. In other words, half of their characters are emojis of ambiguous meaning on Twitter, while on their podcasts, they speak in an NPR monotone. This comes across as disingenuous to anyone who has encountered your content on both platforms; those voices can’t both be the real you. You can avoid the “multiple personalities” problem by prioritizing substance over style; present yourself in all your content marketing the same way you present yourself to clients in person or by phone or email.

Failure to Fact Check

If you are Internet savvy enough to read a blog, you know that misinformation spreads quickly online. Linking to other websites in your blog posts is great for SEO, but before you cite a piece of information you read online, you should check the source from which it cited its information. Law firm blogs are misinformation-proof as long as you stick to citing statutes and court decisions. If you comment on the legal aspects of things that current events commentators have speculated, be clear about which events have happened and where you are simply citing someone else’s opinion, and link back to your sources.

Making Your Content Too Hard to Access

Gated content can be a boon to your content marketing strategy, but making your content too accessible is better than making it not accessible enough. Yes, you should have a newsletter that people who have filled out a content form on your site receive. You should also have a blog that anyone who uses a search engine can navigate to. You should also aim for snippet-worthy blog content, so users can find your answers to some of their questions without navigating to any websites.

Do You Need a Professionally Designed Content Strategy?

Professional law firm marketing experts can help you avoid rookie mistakes in your content marketing. Choose the legal content writers at Law Blog Writers to create legal blog content that your audience will find valuable.


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