Having someone who is already an employee of your law firm is the least expensive option for getting started with content marketing, but there is no guarantee that lawyers, paralegals, or other law firm employees have up to date knowledge about how to get your website and online presence to make the biggest impression on prospective clients and on Google. You or one of your colleagues might have even taken a class on search engine optimization (SEO) at some point. While this is the cheapest option, it is not the most effective. Google’s algorithms change all the time, and SEO strategies must also adapt to those changes. You might be putting your content marketing efforts into strategies that are useless, or even counterproductive, in 2022. No matter how smart Google’s search engine bots get, they always appreciate law firm websites with regularly updated legal blog content.
Focusing Too Much on Metadata
Yes, you should include your main keyword in the meta title of the web page, but beyond that, you should focus your efforts on the content that visitors to the site will see. The old adage that content is king is as true in 2022 as it was in 2005. Putting on a show for the bots that read metadata is a waste of effort. Instead, you should concentrate on writing readable content that addresses visitors’ questions directly and is interesting enough to make them want to read all the way to the end. Google’s algorithms shift to reflect what human readers find valuable, not the other way around.
Focusing Too Much on Keyword Density
There are plenty of free keyword research tools available, but no matter how many usable keywords you find, using each keyword once on each page where you want it to appear is plenty. Keyword stuffing is one of the oldest SEO strategies, and it was one of the first ones that Google started to penalize. Even if you assign the composition of your blog content to natural language processing bots, the bots will know better than do overdo it with keywords.
Limiting Your Content Marketing Strategy to SEO
No matter how good you are at SEO, it is not the whole picture. Google searches are still the most common way that prospective clients find the law firms that they eventually hire. The new trend that “SEO is dead” does not apply to law firm marketing. Google is no longer the only means of online communication, though, and even law firms should diversify their content marketing strategy. It helps for law firms to have a presence on at least one social media platform.
Do It Yourself SEO Is So Last Decade
The easiest way to make sure that the new content on your website is based on up-to-date SEO practices is to hire professional content writers. The professional legal content writers at Law Blog Writers can produce original, custom-written blog content that provides value for your prospective clients and ranks highly on Google search results pages.