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  • giuliano114

How Technical Should the Blog Posts on Your Law Firm’s Website Be?

Many lawyers will tell you that their experiences in law school required them to learn a whole new way of reading. Not only must law students learn a large vocabulary of legal terms, but they must learn to read between the lines to find the important inferences in texts where potential bombshells of information are hidden in the midst of paragraphs that are 95 percent boilerplate text. Some lawyers even get into the habit of reading with their “lawyer glasses” on, even when they are reading news reports, novels, or personal correspondence, in the rare event that lawyers have time to read anything for fun. Think about the documents you must read for your current cases; if you posted 500-word excerpts from those court decisions, insurance policies, medical reports, and affidavits on your blog (assuming it was legal to do so), prospective clients would probably not understand them well, much less figure out what you thought was notable about them. Meanwhile, your law firm’s blog will add more value to your website and attract more new clients if it teaches readers something they didn’t already know and does not simply state the obvious or offer meaningless advertising slogans. Writing legal blog content that provides important legal information to your audience in terms they can understand is a tall order, so you should hire professional legal content writers who are up to the task.

No Two Blogs Have an Identical Audience

Writing teachers always tell you to “know your audience,” and this is as important when you are writing blog posts for your law firm’s website as if you were writing novels or advertising copy. The target audience of your blog depends on your practice area of law. Are your prospective clients divorced parents? Are they people who have suffered work injuries? Small business owners? Professionals approaching retirement age? People facing criminal charges for drug possession? Whoever they are, write for them.

Consider how differently you would describe a recent verdict in a medical malpractice case if you were describing it to patients (prospective plaintiffs), compared to if you described it to doctors (prospective defendants). With the patients, you might focus on the plaintiff’s financial losses and physical and emotional suffering. With the doctors, you might focus on the avoidable and unavoidable risks associated with treatment. You could use medical terminology without explaining it when the target audience is physicians.

Take Your Cues From Your Current Clients

If you want to know what your prospective clients already know and what is news to them, listen to your current clients. Before they met you, did they know how civil and criminal cases are different? Did they know how courts calculate economic and noneconomic damages? Did they know the difference between marital and nonmarital assets? Anything that a real client was surprised to find out is a great topic for a blog post.

Law Blog Writers Can Write for Any Audience

The professional legal content writers at Law Blog Writers will compose custom-written blog posts that explain relevant legal concepts and cases in the appropriate amount of detail and complexity for your target audience.

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