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  • Writer's picturePaul Richardson

Can CRM Tools Make Your Law Firm Marketing More Effective?

The idea of seeing clients in your office again no longer feels like a pipe dream. Instead of checking for the number of new COVID-19 infections each day, you keep refreshing the page for news on when you can get your first vaccine dose, since an increasing number of people you know, maybe even the partners in your law firm, have already been vaccinated. At least one child has already been born with COVID-19 antibodies.

It might be time to try on your courtroom pants and see which ones still fit, now that you have gotten so good at baking sourdough bread. It’s definitely time to dust off your Pomodoro timer and start thinking about productivity again. After working remotely for a year, you will want to come back to an office that runs in a streamlined way; no one will miss awkward Zoom meetings, spotty Wi-Fi, and computers glitchy from exhaustion. It’s time to automate the tasks that can be automated, including some types of legal content writing, so you can focus on the social aspects that made you fall in love with the legal profession in the first place.

What Is CRM for Law Firms?

Remember that TED talk about “eliminate, delegate, automate” for greater productivity? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software enables you to automate a variety of tasks in your law firm, so that the attorneys and office staff can work more efficiently. The concept of CRM goes back to the days when businesses would simply keep records (on paper, of course) about their clients, including the clients’ contact information and other data that would help the business retain them as clients, such as which services the clients had previously engaged. Today, CRM software runs the gamut from free services to subscription packages that offer more and more features as the price point increases. Today, despite their reputation as glorified contact lists, the more sophisticated CRM software packages include everything from analytics to workflow management and client intake.

How CRM Can Help With Law Firm Marketing

By automatically capturing prospective clients’ contact information and tracking their interactions with your law firm, CRM can use artificial intelligence to conduct email marketing and social media marketing campaigns with little input from you. (These are sometimes called drip marketing campaigns.) The software can tell which contacts on your contact list would be interested in which email content.

CRM Can’t Do Everything

CRM can be very effective at helping you stay connected to people who have already interacted with your law firm by emailing you or filling out contact forms on your website. It cannot, however, capture the contact information of people who have not visited your site and followed the call to action to your contact page. For that, you need a regularly updated blog.

CRM Plus a Blog Is a Recipe for a Success

A consistently updated blog is an important part of any law firm’s marketing strategy. Choose the legal content writers at Law Blog Writers to use their human intelligence to create blog posts that complement the drip campaigns your law firm is running with the help of the artificial intelligence of CRM software.

1 Comment

Unknown member
Aug 24, 2021

Stunning, cool post. I'd like to make like this too - saving time and real troublesome work to make a staggering article... regardless, I put things off something over the top and never seem to start. Thankful nonetheless.

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