Now that you are working from home for the foreseeable future, you probably have more time than before to write new posts for your law firm’s blog, but that does not necessarily mean that you have more ideas for new blog content. When you are surrounded every day by the same four walls and the same immediate family members, your imagination about what the rest of the world wants to read on a law firm’s blog could be limited. The most highly ranked search queries, such as “Florida DUI defense lawyer” are hardly specific enough to give you ideas for interesting blog posts that contain them. Stephen Fairley of the Rainmaker Institute has posted some suggestions about where to get ideas for new blog post topics when you are feeling uninspired.
Beyond Keyword Research: Finding Out What Prospective Clients Are Asking and Wondering
Here are some of Stephen Fairley’s suggestions about finding topic ideas that will help you write blog content that your prospective clients will want to read:
· Keep a record of the questions that clients actually ask you, not just questions they ask Google. Keep a spreadsheet of the questions people ask through the contact form on your website, if it has one. Ask your receptionist to update the spreadsheet with questions prospective clients ask when they call the office.
· Instead of just researching the most frequently asked questions related to your practice area, research the most frequently unanswered questions. TextOptimizer is an analytics tool that shows you not only how many search queries have asked a certain question but also how many websites address the question. You can use this question to fill in the knowledge gaps. You will attract not only readers from your geographic area, who can be converted into clients, but also readers from elsewhere who didn’t find answers on the websites of lawyers in their own cities. These can boost the SEO rankings of your law firm’s website.
· Reboot content that you have already written. For example, if you have written an ebook about frequently asked questions related to your practice area, you can paraphrase sections of it as blog posts. In the posts, you can include a link to enable readers to download the ebook.
· Write seasonal content. There is something special about every day, and with enough research, you can relate it to your practice area. For example, you could write a “this day in history” series of blog posts about landmark court decisions, the passage of laws, or the death anniversaries of notable people related to your field. For example, if you are a personal injury lawyer, you could commemorate Christopher Reeve, an actor who became an advocate for spinal cord injury research after he was paralyzed in a horseback riding accident. If you are a criminal defense lawyer, you can commemorate famous cannabis activists.
Contact Legal Content Writers
If you follow the suggestions in this post, you might end up with ideas for more posts than you have time to write. You can count onLaw Blog Writers to write interesting blog posts that answer your prospective clients’ questions.